Note: Mouse controls are strongly recommended. Controllers are currently not supported, but will be in a future update. Thanks!

Current Build: Alpha 0.1.3

Welcome, Pilot!

In Omega Squadron, you will pilot your fighter on a suicide mission out of the enemy territory. Inspired by Asteroids, FTL, and Vampire Survivors. Fight waves of enemies as you try to escape your pursuers, or die trying!

Dodge through enemies, upgrade your weapons, and rain destruction on the Everwave. How long can you make it?

Please note that this is a pre-alpha and does not represent the final game, which is in active development.


Note: the Alpha version of the game will remain free forever. Once the game reaches the Beta version, it will be available for $3. I hope to put the game onto Steam, but I can’t promise steam keys at this time. Thank you for understanding.


Currently, the game is in the early stages of development. If you would like to support me, please consider donating at the link below. Thank you!


OmegaSquadron (Alpha) 0.1.3 Windows Installer 43 MB

Development log